Sueyeun Juliette Lee
$6.50 ppd. (sold out)
Sueyeun Juliette Lee currently lives in Philadelphia where she edits Corollary Press, a small chapbook series dedicated to new work by writers of color. Her chapbooks include Perfect Villagers (Octopus Books, 2006) and Trespass Slightly In (Coconut Poetry, 2005). Her first book, That Gorgeous Feeling, is forthcoming from Coconut Books in spring 2008.


This room inside is better than any other. This forest in the
desert, this static place between high frequencies, what hangs on
in between amplitudinal shifts and drops. Can I nestle beside you
in this darkness hidden from the glaring sun? This room without
walls magnifies our sounds, broadcasts your breath back to me,
the alertness I am now alerted to. This is a safe space for old
dogs, for young boys digging in the earth, for runaway mothers,
for the sort of destiny that transmits across bodies and oceans,
bypasses circuits in favor of atmospheres and blood.